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Panhandle Prevention Coalition

The Human Performance Project

Students and substance use

You can make a change in your school. Human Performance Project in Nebraska is an all-school wellness initiative focused on healthy living and optimal performance.

This program promotes science-based information regarding nutrition, sleep, stress, drugs and alcohol. Students learn how to be and perform at their best.

The result of this program is the development of responsible, respectable young adults.

You can implement one or more steps per year. It depends on your school's readiness for a positive change in all aspects of your school.

Did you know that one night of drinking can wipe out as much as fourteen days of training? A typical high school sports season only lasts 10 to 12 weeks. That means that an athlete who chooses to drink wastes 20% failing to perform at an optimal level.

The Human Performance Project reports the following physical effects of underage athletes who drink alcohol:

  • Negative effect on heart rate, lactic acid and respiratory levels.
  • Slows muscle development
  • Vitamin B deficiency resulting from dehydration effects.
  • Slower reaction times for up to 12 hours after consumption.
  • Increased injury. Athletes who drink are 54.8% more likely to be injured on the court, track or field than non-drinking athletes.
  • Damages and lowers the immune system. Athletes who drink get sick more often than those who don’t.
  • Overall reduction in performance ability.

For more information about alcohol and students, visit http://www.humanperformanceprojectne.org/about-us.html


Technical Assistance
Liz MacDonald

Let me know how I can help you.

Updated January 18, 2022